Our Fleet to-day and its development during the last half...

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Libros Monografías Our Fleet to-day and its development during the last half-century (1900) - Eardley-Wilmot, S

Sección: Monografías

Título: Our Fleet to-day and its development during the last half-century / by S. Eardley-Wilmot, R.N.

Edición: Revised ed. of "The development of Navies during the last half-century".

Publicación: London : Seeley and Co., 1900 (Edinburgh : Colston & Coy. Limited)

Descrición física: XV, 329 p. : ilustracións, lám en bl. y n. ; 21 cm.

Apuntamentos: Signaturizado

Tipo de publicación: Libros Libros


Biblioteca Municipal de Ferrol
Sinatura: 1342

Historia da propiedade e custodia:
     Selo de: "Centro Obrero de Cultura, Ferrol"

     Enc. tea con ferros dourados no lombo.